A Word from our CEO, Andrea Barthwell
When I set out to create the Two Dreams treatment center, I knew I wanted to create a place where the disease of addiction was treated using evidence-based methods under the supervision of a caring, professional staff. To this day, we use best practices and an outcomes-based philosophy to provide the highest quality treatment possible for our patients.
While drug use is a preventable behavior, addiction is a disease of learning, memory, motivation, and choice that results in biological, social, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual alterations. Addiction affects the “survival brain:” the non-verbal, emotional, pleasure- and survival-driven part of the nervous system that is not responsive to reason or logic. It does not simply go away through sheer strength of will; abstinence, medication, peer support, professional guidance, exercise, diet, and ritual are all required to facilitate recovery.
That being said, recovery is always possible. It will take time, it will be challenging, but you can achieve mental peace, physical wellbeing, and personal productivity. Call us today and/or browse our website to learn more about our holistic, individualized care plans.
Andrea Barthwell, MD, FASAM