
The Museum of African American Addiction Recovery

The Museum of African American Addiction Recovery honors individuals who have achieved greatness and shown a long-standing commitment to the field of addiction medicine. Congratulations to Two Dreams founder and CEO Andrea Barthwell MD, DFASAM who is among the honorees in the Museum’s Hall of Fame! Find out more about the Museum of African American Addiction Recovery here: http://www.museumofafricanamericanaddictionsrecovery.org/hall-of-fame-1/

Euphoric Recall

What is euphoric recall? Euphoric recall is a state in which individuals view the past with rose-colored glasses, so to speak. In this condition, people recall certain memories with exaggerated fondness, even if the actual event seemed undesirable at the time it occurred. Negative aspects of the past are downplayed, while the positives are embellished.   Who can experience euphoric recall? Everyone has likely experienced euphoric recall at some point. For example, some people are miserable during their romantic relationships, but after breaking up can only remember the good times and wonder why they ever left. Some people struggle through …

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Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

The Research Society on Alcoholism reports that about 50% of all drinkers experience a “blackout” at some point in their life. Alcohol-induced blackouts are characterized by either partial or total memory loss regarding events that occurred while under the influence. A common misconception is that alcohol “kills brain cells” and that this somehow contributes to the blackout state. Recent research suggests, though, that this is not the case.   Who is at risk for experiencing a blackout? Rapid, excessive alcohol consumption can put any user at risk for blacking out. Social drinkers often experience blackouts because of drinking games and/or …

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Personal boundaries are guidelines that each individual creates to identify his or her particular limitations. These boundaries can be physical, emotional, and/or mental, and are subject to change at any time. They lay the groundwork for a positive self-image and promote self-respect that is undefined by others. Without personal boundaries, one runs the risk of being used, manipulated, and/or violated. Do I need to work on establishing personal boundaries? Ask yourself the following questions: Do I automatically say yes whenever anyone asks for my help or needs a problem solved? Or do I politely but firmly set boundaries when I …

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Prescription Painkiller and Opioid Infographics Set 2

Four in five heroin users started out misusing prescription painkillers. Source: ASAM 2016 Opioid Addiction Facts and Figures Why do teens choose to abuse prescription drugs? 21% say their parents don’t care as much vs. street drugs. 25% use them as study aids. 32% think they have fewer side effects than street drugs. Source: NIH Prescription Drug Abuse in America 2014 Why do teens choose to abuse prescription drugs? 32% say they are easy to purchase on the Internet. 33% feel there is less stigma attached to using them. 35% think they are safer to use than illegal drugs. Source: …

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Prescription Painkiller and Opioid Infographics

In the United States, 2015… 16,000 deaths from homicide. 29,000 deaths from prescription painkiller overdose. Source: The CDC In the United States, 2015… 6,700 deaths from HIV/AIDS. 29,000 deaths from prescription painkiller overdose. Source: The CDC In the United States, 2015… over 60% of overdose deaths involved opioids and prescription painkillers. Source: Drugabuse.gov In the United States, 2010… physicians prescribed enough painkillers to medicate all 245 million American adults every 4 hours for an entire month. Source: PBS Newshour, 2013 Where are people illegally obtaining prescription drugs? 0.3% from the internet. 3.9% from a drug dealer or stranger. 20% from …

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Cannabis Use and Risk of Psychiatric Disorders: Prospective Evidence From a US National Longitudinal Study

The legalization of recreational marijuana use and medical marijuana programs in a number of states has brought about an array of public health concerns. The link between cannabis use and mental health/substance use disorders is particularly concerning and requires additional study. In order to further elucidate the negative effects of marijuana, researchers interviewed tens of thousands of US adults from different backgrounds and used statistical analysis to determine the associative strength between use and psychiatric disorders. Results indicated that cannabis use is significantly correlated with all substance use disorders, including alcohol use disorder and nicotine dependence, but that it is …

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Yoga for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is accompanied by many distressing symptoms, including soreness, tightness, stiffness, shooting/​burning/​aching/​electrical forms of pain, fatigue, depression, weakness, irritability, anxiety, stress, hopelessness, general discomfort, and more. The NIH suggests that practicing yoga on a regular basis can increase functionality and reduce the severity of many of these symptoms. Yoga combines physical movement with breathing techniques and meditation/relaxation. It is a low impact form of exercise that can be modified and individualized to accommodate for different health restrictions and comfort levels. The risks of yoga are minimal, especially when practiced under the guidance of a trained instructor. Always consult a …

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October Dream Journal – 2013

VOLUME X / OCT 2013 Two Dreams is a wellness program led by Andrea G. Barthwell, MD, FASAM that provides individualized care for those who dream of recovering a healthy lifestyle. NOTE FROM DR. B. This month is a busy one for us! I will be speaking to parents at two different locations in Illinois about the new – of marijuana and the impact this will have on their youth. We also are proud to announce our first Quarterly Training Event on October 31st, sponsored by Caron Treatment Centers and hosted by Two Dreams. VOLUME X / OCT 2013 Two …

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Experience can Benefit Others – May Dream Journal 2014

VOLUME XVII / MAY 2014 Two Dreams is a wellness program led by Andrea G. Barthwell, MD, FASAM that provides individualized care for those who dream of recovering a healthy lifestyle. NOTE FROM DR. B. Our theme for this month is ‘Being of Service to Others’. This is extremely important for our well-being and for our peace of mind, whether you are in recovery or not. Think this month about possible ways to help others. The summer is a great time to take advantage of volunteering opportunities in your local area. Or perhaps you know of a friend or loved …

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