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Willingness – June 2016 Dream Journal

Dream Journal Volume XXXX / June 2016 Note From Dr B. Summer is upon us, and with it comes the inevitable lethargy brought on by the intense heat. All over town you can hear cries of, “it’s too hot; let’s just do something else!” Similarly, in addiction treatment, we often hear clients complain that it’s too difficult to work through recovery, that they’d rather just stay in their diseased state than go through the steps necessary for living a healthy lifestyle. That’s where the theme of the month, willingness, comes into play. Individuals in recovery need to be willing to push …

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Top Seven Misconceptions About Opioid Abuse in Chronic Pain

Panic and confusion about the opioid endemic are causing the rapid spread of misinformation throughout the United States. Here we debunk some of the most common misconceptions about opioid abuse, especially as it relates to chronic pain.   1. “Addiction” is the same as “physical dependence” or “tolerance.” Addiction is a disease made up of both physical and psychological components. It may include physical dependence or tolerance, but these elements are not required. Physical dependence is characterized by withdrawal symptoms upon cessation, or by the development of tolerance in which an increase in substance use is necessary to achieve an …

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Dos and Don’ts: How to Help an Alcoholic Stop Drinking

8 to 9% of adults in the United States have some form of alcohol use disorder, according to the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. If someone you love is one of the millions struggling, you’re probably concerned and looking for answers. Helping an alcoholic to stop drinking is never easy… but we’ve put together some “dos” and “don’ts” to help guide you through the situation.   DO: Seek Professional Treatment As Needed. Remind your loved one that there is absolutely no shame in getting help for alcohol use disorder. If they are open to receiving treatment, you can …

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Euphoric Recall

What is euphoric recall? Euphoric recall is a state in which individuals view the past with rose-colored glasses, so to speak. In this condition, people recall certain memories with exaggerated fondness, even if the actual event seemed undesirable at the time it occurred. Negative aspects of the past are downplayed, while the positives are embellished.   Who can experience euphoric recall? Everyone has likely experienced euphoric recall at some point. For example, some people are miserable during their romantic relationships, but after breaking up can only remember the good times and wonder why they ever left. Some people struggle through …

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Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

The Research Society on Alcoholism reports that about 50% of all drinkers experience a “blackout” at some point in their life. Alcohol-induced blackouts are characterized by either partial or total memory loss regarding events that occurred while under the influence. A common misconception is that alcohol “kills brain cells” and that this somehow contributes to the blackout state. Recent research suggests, though, that this is not the case.   Who is at risk for experiencing a blackout? Rapid, excessive alcohol consumption can put any user at risk for blacking out. Social drinkers often experience blackouts because of drinking games and/or …

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Can Alcohol Cause Diabetes?

Most of us have heard by now that alcohol can have detrimental effects on our health, but did you know that it significantly raises the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes?   How is blood sugar regulated? The cells in your body use glucose, a simple sugar, as fuel to survive and function. Normally, the body tries to keep a constant supply of glucose in the blood so that your cells don’t overload while you’re eating and starve when you’re between meals. The body maintains this steady blood-sugar level by storing excess glucose as “glycogen” chains within the liver and …

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Binge Drinking: An Exposé

What is binge drinking? Binge drinking is a popular form of excessive alcohol use, which the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines as “a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above.” For a typical American adult male, this translates to drinking 5+ servings of alcohol in two hours. For a typical American adult female, this translates to drinking 4+ servings of alcohol in two hours. A serving of alcohol is any drink that contains 0.6 fl oz of pure alcohol. The following portions count as a single serving …

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Why Do People Use Drugs?

Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse and you’re not sure why? Gaining insight into the motivation behind the drug use is a great first step towards recovery. There is no one answer to the question “why do people use drugs?” but we have provided the following list of potential reasons as a starting point for your inquiry. Feel free to call the Two Dreams admissions team at 504-510-2331 to jumpstart your recovery today! Physical Pleasure. Addictive drugs stimulate the release of dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical in the brain that invokes the euphoric high commonly associated with …

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Integrity – May 2016 Dream Journal

Dream Journal Volume XXXIX / May 2016 Note From Dr B. Spring is in full bloom at Two Dreams, even at our Chicago office, and my favorite flowers have been emerging for weeks. Before Dr. David and I downsized our home, I would watch a parade of flowers emerge from the snow along our front walkway. While I do miss the floral ceremony, I appreciate that the freedom of our smaller home allows me more opportunities to travel between the various Two Dreams locations. The crocus, daffodil, and highly fragrant hyacinth remind me that there is beauty and peace in the …

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Personal boundaries are guidelines that each individual creates to identify his or her particular limitations. These boundaries can be physical, emotional, and/or mental, and are subject to change at any time. They lay the groundwork for a positive self-image and promote self-respect that is undefined by others. Without personal boundaries, one runs the risk of being used, manipulated, and/or violated. Do I need to work on establishing personal boundaries? Ask yourself the following questions: Do I automatically say yes whenever anyone asks for my help or needs a problem solved? Or do I politely but firmly set boundaries when I …

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