Benefits of Milk

The benefits of milk for bone growth and development have been accepted for years. The composition of milk, its protein and carbohydrate balance, helps to improve muscle performance and to attenuate damage after exercise. The current governmental dietary recommendation for dairy consumption in adults is 3 cups per day. Pasteurized dairy milk is a good source of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamin D that aids in development of the human bone matrix, which involves vitamins C, D and K. In addition, calcium is an essential part of the development of collagen, which is necessary for bone strength. The combination of …

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Alcohol is Bad for Pregnant Women

The children’s rhyme makes it seem so simple: first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in a baby carriage. Of course this perfect image isn’t always a reality. The hope and expectation is a happy, healthy, bouncing little baby in your arms, but what happens when something, God forbid, goes wrong? Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to many different issues that can hurt both mother and baby, and we strongly urge pregnant women to seek treatment if needed. For decades there has been published advisory information stating that alcohol is bad for pregnant women. A government …

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The Benefits of Being Outdoors During Recovery

Addiction treatment options include in-patient and out-patient programs; in both patients are encouraged to get physically fit and engage in more outdoorsy activities. Many people find working out in outdoor naturalistic environments peaceful and calming and a way to find release from the stress of life and the challenges to come. For over a century, people have noticed that being outdoors confers an advantage improving the course of health during recovery (from addiction as well as other ailments). Not a lot of research has been done to determine all of the reasons why, so in the future we may hear …

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Acceptance – October 2016 Dream Journal

Dream Journal Volume XLIII / October 2016 Note From Dr B. Before I was officially sworn in as Deputy Director for Demand Reduction in the Office of National Drug Control Policy under the Executive Office of The President, I went through a period of indecision and stress. In short, the President announced that I would be appointed to the position, but then the statement was withdrawn because of controversy in the White House at the time. Recovery advocates were planning to march in protest on my behalf, but a friend suggested to me that I try to prevent the march on …

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8 Tips On How To Quit Drinking Alcohol

Have you ever made a mistake while binge drinking that you later regretted? Are you suffering from chronic liver disease due to a lifetime of alcohol consumption? Are you experiencing blackouts after combining alcohol with opioids or street drugs? If you are finding it hard to quit despite the consequences, you might be addicted to alcohol. Contact Two Dreams (504-510-2331) if you or a loved one has a problem with alcohol. We can help you figure out if you would benefit from our services, and/or if detox services are needed. Below are a number of recommendations we have for anyone …

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Can Topiramate Treat Cocaine Addiction?

Smoking cessation rates have increased after the development of products like nicotine gum and nicotine nasal spray. However, there are no such tools approved for the treatment of other forms of drug dependence, like cocaine addiction. One drug that is currently being considered for the treatment of cocaine addiction is topiramate, a drug already widely available for the treatment of seizures and migraines. Because the anticonvulsant drug topiramate has activity at some of the same neuronal synapses involved in addiction, it (as well as some other anticonvulsant drugs) has been tested for use as a cocaine cessation tool. Recently, investigators …

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The Importance of Therapists in Drug Addiction Treatment

Going to therapy and establishing a trusting relationship with a therapist is the key to overcoming drug and/or alcohol dependence and resolving drug-related issues. Drug and alcohol addiction are inextricably related to a person’s psyche and other concrete problems (social, financial, or health-related issues). A therapist can work with an individual to help him/her tackle these issues alongside the addiction. People quitting on their own may have trouble examining the life circumstances that led them to addiction, so they are less likely to make changes. Without a professional therapist, former drug users can quickly return to a life on drugs. …

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Neurostimulation for Drug Addiction: Therapy of the Future

Neurostimulation is being investigated as a tool used to treat many neurological disorders, like depression, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and addiction. For most of these conditions, neurostimulation is considered an investigational treatment not yet proved as a viable therapy or covered by health insurance.   Approved Neurostimulation Therapies There is substantial evidence that the neurostimulation technique called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is effective in treating major depression, although no health insurance plans currently cover it. However, research institutions such as John Hopkins are using it to help with treatment-resistant depression, and The Royal Australian and New …

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Cannabis-based Drug, Sativex, Treats Cannabis Withdrawal

Cannabis is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs, with about 22.2 million users in the United States. Although a seemingly small percentage (7%-9%) of users develop a dependency, the total number of people needing treatment is significant at between 1.5 and 2 million people. Marijuana is designated a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has no potential medical benefits, so medical research on the substance has been extremely difficult. The difficulty in experimenting with cannabis-based products has stagnated the development of pharmacotherapy for cannabis dependence worldwide. Fortunately, the development of the UK drug Sativex, a cannabis-based drug approved …

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Can Neurostimulation Prevent Nicotine Cravings?

Only 6% of the 1 billion individuals who try to quit smoking are successful for longer than one month. For this reason, it can be argued that the current tobacco secession tools are inadequate and that there is a need to develop better products/methods to facilitate secession. One of the challenges with quitting any drug is battling cravings. When a person is exposed to certain environmental cues, for instance seeing others smoke or being in a place where the person used to smoke, the urge may return. In response to this issue, researchers are developing neurostimulation techniques that may help …

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