New Study Highlights Risks of Combining Benzodiazepines and Opioids

A new study published in the British Medical Journal suggests that co-prescribing benzodiazepines with opioids increases the patient’s risk of overdose by four times that of opioids alone. Even patients on low doses of opioid analgesics have this increased chance of fatality. Researching physicians suggest that prescribers should thoroughly consider their options and weigh the risks and benefits before prescribing these drugs. Safer alternatives are usually available and oftentimes improve quality of life more effectively than opioids and benzodiazepines do. Read More Here

Finally, the American Medical Association Responds to the Opioid Endemic

Over 250,000 people in the United States have died from opioid overdoses in the past 15 years. An average of 43,982 people die annually because of opioids, which amounts to a shocking 120 deaths per day. These deaths are largely preventable, but our nation has done little in the way of intervention. The American Medical Association (AMA) can no longer ignore the mounting and senseless loss of life in this nation, so on February 17, 2016 the AMA president finally made a statement. Dr. Steven J. Stack, MD suggests that physicians take a number of steps to deal with the …

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National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Principles of Effective Addiction Treatment Guide and Follow-up Quiz

Professionals in the field of addiction medicine, including ours at Two Dreams, use the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) “Principles of Effective Treatment Guide” as a reference to ensure that clients receive the high quality care they deserve. Read through the NIDA’s research-based ideologies below and take our quiz afterwards to see how well you understand the key points. Try to answer the questions without looking back at the list for answers! Visit the NIDA website for more information. Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition) Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain …

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Principles of Effective Addiction Treatment Guide and Follow-up Quiz Read More …

Quit Drinking Alcohol

If you’ve been drinking heavily and have been trying to quit drinking alcohol, you know that it’s not an easy task to accomplish. Perhaps you have tried on more than one occasion to quit drinking alcohol and haven’t been successful. Or maybe this is your first time attempting to reach your goal. In any case, you should know that it is possible to quit drinking and then go on and lead a happy and productive life. The Effects of Alcohol on your Body Drinking too much – whether it’s on a single occasion or over a much longer period of …

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Which Parts of the Brain are Impaired By Alcohol?

Alcohol is a type of drug known as a Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, meaning that it tends to decrease neuronal activity occurring in the brain and spinal cord. This decrease in activity contributes to some of the slow, sedating side effects the drug imparts on its consumers, like slurred speech and stumbling movements. Alcohol is able to cause this decrease in neuron activity by increasing the activity of an important cell-signaling chemical in the nervous system called y-aminobutyric acid, otherwise known as “GABA.” This neurotransmitter is the body’s main inhibitory signaler. It moves around interacting with neurons and instructing …

Which Parts of the Brain are Impaired By Alcohol? Read More …

Alcohol Education Resources

Two Dreams encourages everyone to utilize the many alcohol education resources available online and in your local libraries and bookstores. The following is a compilation of alcohol education resources that we find to be particularly useful and informative: Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization, Inc. This organization caters to adults who were raised in dysfunctional environments and who exhibit traits characteristic to survivors of past abuse and/or neglect. The group implements the 12-step model, one of the most well-known and celebrated methods of recovery support in the world, and emphasizes the importance of emotional healing through meeting attendance, sponsorship, …

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How Do I Know If I Need Drug Addiction Treatment?

Addiction is a difficult disease to define. When does therapeutic drug use cross over into abuse? What is the difference between frequent social drinking and alcohol use disorder? Should comfort-seeking drug use (such as mild-sedative ingestion before bed every night) be considered a disorder? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has acknowledged the difficulty at hand, and set forth guidelines to help users know when to seek help, and to help physicians make accurate diagnoses. Prior to the publication of the current DSM-5, the manual distinguished between abuse and dependence in terms of severity, with “abuse” being …

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Holistic Nutrition to Treat Addiction

When you’re struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol and it’s mealtime, it’s all too easy to stop in at your favorite fast food place and pick up a burger, fries and a soda to go. But while that may be fine for an occasional treat, if you’re suffering from the disease of alcohol or drug addiction, it’s important to think about what you’re putting- and not putting – into your body on a regular basis. Holistic nutrition to treat addiction is a part of the recovery process, and well-balanced, nutritious meals and snacks will not only aid in your …

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What are the Benefits of Antioxidants?

Substance-use exerts a large amount of physical stress on the human body. Drugs take precedence over basic necessities during active addiction, so health often falls by the wayside. Malnourishment, for example, causes the body to function improperly due to a lack of essential nutrients. Some drugs create the illusion of “fullness” so the body doesn’t convey to the brain that it needs sustenance. Some drugs nurture such a strong dependence that users forget to eat or simply aren’t motivated enough to find nutritious food options. Poor diet can cause damage to the digestive system, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, etc. …

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Honesty – January 2016

Dream Journal Volume XXXVI / January 2016 Note From Dr B. The idea of making a “New Year’s Resolution” is appealing to individuals across the globe, but it also adds a great deal of pressure to the actions of the upcoming year. People oftentimes make unrealistic promises (ex. I will exercise every single day from now on) and end up disappointed when they are unable to live up to the standard of perfection they set for themselves. So, as a means of relieving ourselves of this unnecessary stress, I propose that we all strive for progress in this upcoming year instead …

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